Friday, November 9, 2007

PART – 9

Upon being informed of his capture Barrientos ordered his execution. Guevara was taken to a dilapidated schoolhouse in the nearby village of La Higuera where he was held overnight.

Early the next afternoon he was executed. The executioner was Mario Terán, a Sergeant in the Bolivian army who had drawn a short straw after arguments over who will kill Guevara broke out among the soldiers.

Che Guevara received multiple shots to the legs, so as to avoid maiming his face for identification purposes and simulate combat wounds in an attempt to conceal his execution.

Che Guevara did have some last words before his death; he allegedly said to his executioner, "I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man."

His body was lashed to the landing skids of a helicopter and flown to neighboring Vallegrande where it was laid out on a laundry tub in the local hospital and displayed to the press.

A Bolivian military doctor surgically amputated his hands and Bolivian army officers transferred Guevara's cadaver to an undisclosed location and refused to reveal whether his remains had been buried or cremated.

...................continued on

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Che Guevara taken as prisoner in Bolivia. Few hours before his murder.